early stage researchers

The CORE network employs 15 Early Stage Researchers on a challenging research-training programme, which is completed with a PhD thesis.
ESR1 Shashank Bhandari
ESR2 Johannes Hoffmann
Francesca Cascella
ESR4 Brigitta Bodak

ESR6 Giulio Valenti
ESR7 Ryusei Oketani
ESR8 Francesca Breveglieri
ESR9 Carola Tortora
ESR10 Jan-Joris Devogelaer

ESR11 Aliou Mbodji
ESR12 Lina Harfouche
Maxime Charpentier
ESR14 Raghunath Venkatramanan
ESR15 Ghufran ur Rehman

Early Stage Researcher (ESR) Project (and Research Work Package WP) Host
ESR1 - Shashank Bhandari Towards Continuous Crystallization Processes (WP3) Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany (OVGU)
ESR2 - Johannes Hoffmann Continuous Crystallization-enabled Chiral Synthesis (WP3) University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK (USTRATH)
ESR3 - Francesca Cascella Continuous Enantioselective Crystallization Processes (WP3) Otto -von- Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany (OVGU)
ESR4 - Brigitta Bodák Process models for Continuous Resolution Control & Optimization (WP3) ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich), Switzerland (ETH)
ESR5 - Giuseppe Belletti Viedma Ripening-enabled Chiral Synthesis (WP4)  Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands (RUN)
ESR6 - Giulio Valenti Alternative Crystallization-based Chiral Synthesis Processes (WP4) SYNCOM, Netherlands (SYNCOM)
ESR7 - Ryusei Oketani Optimization of Second Order Asymmetric Transformation (SOAT) (WP4)  University of Rouen, France (UR)
ESR8 - Francesca Breveglieri Optimization of Viedma Ripening (WP4)  ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich), Switzerland (ETH)
ESR9 - Carola Tortora Organocatalysts and Enzymes for Racemization (WP4)  Friedrich - Alexander  University  Erlangen - Nürnberg, Germany (FAU)
ESR10 - Jan-Joris Devogelaer Principles of Conglomerate Formation (WP5)  Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands (RUN)
ESR11 - Aliou Mbodji Discovering Conglomerates (WP5)  University of Rouen, France (UR)
ESR12 - Lina Harfouche Screening of Chiral Solid State and Phase Diagram (WP5)  University of Rouen, France (UR)
ESR13 - Maxime Charpentier (starting 17 July 2018) Screening of Crystallization Kinetics in Chiral Systems (WP5)  University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK (USTRATH)
ESR14 - Raghunath Venkatramanan Chiroptical Spectroscopy in Suspensions (WP5) University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK (USTRATH)
ESR15 - Ghufran ur Rehman Chirally discriminant in-situ process analytical technologies (WP5)  University of Manchester, UK (UM)