Oketani, Ryusei (2019)
"Interesting and Unpublished" Is Equivalent to "Non-existent"
CORE Blog post, 5 April 2019
Conference presentations
Oketani, Ryusei , M. Hoquante, C. Brandel, S. Clevers, F. Marin, P. Tinnemans, H. Meekes, E. Vlieg, Y. Geerts, P. Cardinael, G. Coquerel (2019)
Phase diagram study and chiral resolution of axially chiral naphthamide derivative
24th International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State (ICCOSS2019), 16-21 June 2019, New York, USA
Oketani, Ryusei , Francesco Marin, Paul Tinnemans, Marine Hoquante, Anne Laurent, Clément Brande, Pascal Cardinael, Hugo Meekes, Elias Vlieg, Yves Geerts, Gerard Coquerel (2019)
Deracemization in a complex quaternary system with a second‐order asymmetric transformation using phase diagram studies
Chemistry: A European Journal
https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.201903338 Publication Date (Web): 8 August 2019
Oketani, Ryusei , Coquerel, Gerard (2019)
Deracemization in a complex quaternary system with a second‐order asymmetric transformation using phase diagram studies [Journal Cover]
Chemistry: A European Journal
Publication Date (Web): 20 September 2019
Oketani, Ryusei , Hiroki Takahashi, Marine Hoquante, Clément Brandel, Pascal Cardinael, Gérard, Coquerel (2019)
NH-form of a threonine-based Schiff base in the solid state
Journal of Molecular Structure, Pages 36-40
Volume 1184, 15 May 2019
Oketani, Ryusei , Marine Hoquante, Clément Brandel, Pascal Cardinael, Gérard Coquerel (2019)
Resolution of an atropoisomeric naphthamide by second-order asymmetric transformation: A highly productive technique
Organic Process Research and Development
DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.9b00133
Publication Date (Web): 15 May 2019
Oketani, Ryusei , Francesco Marin Dr. Paul Tinnemans Marine Hoquante Anne Laurent Dr. Clément Brandel Prof. Dr. Pascal Cardinael Dr. Hugo Meekes Prof. Dr. Elias Vlieg Prof. Dr. Yves Geerts Prof. Dr. Gérard Coquerel (2019)
Deracemization in a Complex Quaternary System with a Second Order Asymmetric Transformation by Using Phase Diagram Studies
Chemistry: A European Journal, Cover Page
Invited for the cover of this issue is the group of Gérard Coquerel at Université de Rouen Normandie. The image depicts pyramid‐like tetrahedron of the quaternary phase diagram showing where symmetry breaking can take place. Read the full text of the article at 10.1002/chem.201903338
Oketani, Ryusei (2019)
Phase diagram study and chiral resolution of axially chiral naphthamide derivative
[Winner - Best Poster Prize] ICCOSS XXIV: 24th International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State, New York City, USA, 16-21 June 2019
Oketani, Ryusei (2019)
Phase diagram study and chiral resolution of axially chiral naphthamide derivative
Best Poster Prize at ICCOSS XXIV: 24th International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State, New York City, USA, 16-21 June 2019
Journal cover profiles
Oketani, Ryusei , F. Marin, P. Tinnemans, M. Hoquante, A. Laurent, C. Brandel, P. Cardinael, H. Meekes, E. Vlieg, Y. Geerts and G. Coquerel (2019)
Cover Profile: Deracemization in a Complex Quaternary System with a Second‐Order Asymmetric Transformation by Using Phase Diagram Studies
Chemistry: A European Journal
Publication Date (web): 20th September 2019
Oketani, Ryusei (2018)
Conference report ~Symposium on Molecular chirality in Japan~
CORE Blog post, 29 May 2018
Conference presentations
Oketani, Ryusei , Clément Brandel, Pascal Cardinael, Gérard Coquerel (2018)
The role of racemization and crystal growth kinetics on deracemization rate of naphthamide compound using temperature cycling
13th International Workshop of the Crystal Growth of Organic Material 27 – 30 August 2018, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
Oketani, Ryusei , Marine Hoquante, Clément Brandel, Pascal Cardinael, Gérard Coquerel (2018)
Practical role of racemization rates in deracemization kinetics and process productivities
Crystal Growth and Design
DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.8b01263
Publication Date (Web): October 9, 2018
Oketani, Ryusei (2018)
Deracemization of axial chiral naphthamide: racemization rate and crystallization rate
[Winner - Excellent poster prize] Symposium on Molecular Chirality in Chiba, Japan, 10-12 May 2018
Oketani, Ryusei , C. Brandel, P. Cardinael, G. Coquerel (2018)
Interplay of the racemization rate and the crystal growth rate on the deracemization rate
25th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), 6-7 September 2018, University of Rouen, France
Oketani, Ryusei (2018)
Deracemization of axial chiral naphthamide: racemization rate and crystallization rate
Excellent poster prize at the Symposium on Molecular Chirality in Chiba, Japan, 10-12 May 2018